Pikuniku switch
Pikuniku switch

pikuniku switch

The beginning of the game has you being woken up by a ghost. Naturally, it isn’t actually a jelly bean, it just looks like one. Pikuniku sees you taking control of a little red jelly bean with two long, slightly uncoordinated legs. Pikuniku is very much one of these games. This basically means that we get some of the most innovative – and some of the strangest – games in the industry in this sphere. After all, there are no publishers to demand certain things. They also allow the developers to completely follow their own vision. They offer the chance to explore a single aspect of humanity in its entirety. The only thing that motivated me to bother was the prospect of discovering more ridiculous characters.Indie games have the ability to be a fair bit stranger than the triple-A titles that drain us of our time and money. The only thing that motivated me to bother was the prospect of discovering more ridiculous characters. If these moments were all sidequests it wouldn’t bother me, but I needed to engage with these aspects of the game to progress through the main story. Beating an enemy or mini-game in those circumstances doesn’t feel particularly rewarding, and it doesn’t build much trust between the player and the game itself. The game doesn’t teach me to watch out for rocks, it doesn’t seem to give me any warning, and for the rest of the game it never happens again.

pikuniku switch

As I was nearing the end a pile of rocks fell from the sky and Piku was taken with them. In one challenge Piku is forced to outrun a boss in a chase scene. Couple this feeling of confusion with a purposely clumsy control scheme, and certain challenges became a chore. At times that made solving simple challenges slightly more complicated in that I would also have to understand what the game was expecting at this moment, and I didn’t always feel like it gave me a chance to figure that out. The issue here is that I don’t always feel like I’ve had any warning for how or when it will do this.


Pikuniku’s tutorial set up expectations around how to solve problems that felt immediately thrown away, only to be brought back after I get used to the different pace. Setting up these expectations early on, is in my opinion, something that can make or break a player’s experience. When I’m playing a game, I want it to teach me (in some way) how it expects me to engage with it.

pikuniku switch

The vibe between the tutorial and the first town felt very different to me though, and ultimately my negative experiences towards the game stemmed from the way these vibes failed to mesh. The quirky humour, sidequests, and cast provide a lot to love. It fit with Piku’s character too who, depending on the player, could be a well-intentioned clutz or a total jerk. Making mistakes (and occasionally breaking things) became a key part of how I explored the environment, which I just kind of had to accept. Embracing the clumsiness of our hero and their helplessness in everything was a lot of fun, and made the game surprisingly relaxing. Stumbling and flailing through town on silly side quests turned out to be a delight. Here you can have friendly chats with birds, play hide and seek with a rock, and eventually win the affection of the townspeople.


After completing the tutorial, Piku rolls and bounces into the nearby town that seems completely free of danger, and almost entirely free of any platforming too. At the start, the game uses the cave area to teach some basic controls for platforming and how to break obstacles. Piku is a clumsy hero who moves using procedurally generated animations that don’t always act predictably. flailing through town on silly side quests turned out to be a delight. It’s fun simply for the sake of being fun. We don’t know anything about our hero at this point, or what the ghost wants, and we probably shouldn’t expect to find out because this really isn’t a game that needs explanations. After that, we’re taken to an underground cave scene where Piku, the wide-eyed hero of the campaign mode, has been woken up from a long sleep by a ghost. It was funny, slightly sinister, and had me laughing out loud. Sunshine” in what appears to be a bizarre advertisement. The game sets the scene with a short cutscene from a character called “Mr. The quirky humour, sidequests, and cast provide a lot to love and combine to make something extremely approachable that will appeal to new and seasoned platforming fans alike. Pikuniku, named after the two the controllable characters, is a puzzle-exploration game set in an extremely charming picture-book world. That’s an admirable reason to do anything, and I’d say the team have done a pretty good job of succeeding. In an interview last year, game designer Arnaud De Bock (Reigns) summed up the Pikuniku team’s ambitions for creating the game as simply wanting to give people “a delightful moment” while they are playing.

Pikuniku switch